Client ︎ Spades (via. Studio Agriculture)
Year ︎︎︎ 2022

Spades – Spades – Spades – Spades – Spades – Spades – Spades – 

Spades is a farm management app/platform which exists to support the agricultural industry’s advancement in the digital era. They are commited to helping growers by providing them with the essential resources, tools and support needed to eliminate the burden and time-consuming nature of policy compliance, record-keeping and farm management.

We helped Spades (previously Growers Support) evolve their brand to be unpretentious, bold, confident and distinctly different from their competitors. 

The visual strategy and design of Spades’ brand identity–from the graphic language to the photography style–captures the feeling of organisation and "getting things in order" through a systematic approach.

Kaitlyn Chai,
Bill Durack,
Charlotte Durack.

The modular logotype was designed using 3 basic components to build its custom letterforms. 

Much like Spades’ core purpose to help growers complete tasks, we added a period mark to the logo to further convey the message of completion. 

All rights reserved. © 2024 by Kaitlyn Chai (ohlookitsafox)